Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A semi-short introduction

Well hello there ^_^

Welcome to my first blog post :-P

Anyway, since I'm new here, I figured my first post should just simply be a 'short' introduction about who I am, and what I like, so here goes.
As a forewarning, I tend to be long winded, so 'short' is usually a bold faced lie.

My name is Billy, I'm 20, and I love to research random things. In particular I like to look up random plants, or herbal remedies, and other natural health topics. I live as closely to the 'natural health' lifestyle as I can at the moment, but not nearly as much as I'd like to. I'm hoping that changes in the future, though.

I love learning about what herbs can help in what way, and I love trying them out for myself. Chamomile tea is a new favorite of mine, and I am attempting to grow some very very very old lavender seeds which, realistically, should never be able to sprout. Here's hoping I've got more luck than brains!

I grow random plants on my windowsill - more or less. I have a little table/stool thin that my plants are on. I think it's supposed to be a shoe rack, but it's the perfect height for my window, and I don't have many shoes, so it just seems more logical to have plants. Right?

For the most part, I don't have *too* many plants inside right now. I have a small Purple Smoke Tree (which is currently recovering from a nasty shock it got when I was transporting it), several mint plants (I make mint cuttings for friends and family ^_^;;) a ground ivy that has sprouted from nothingness (Seriously, I thought it was dead, I yanked it out and everything and just assumed creeping plants cannot be constrained and still be healthy... then it reappeared) and a Burdock seedling because I was testing to see if the seeds I collected were viable.
I also have a Japanese Eggplant (More commonly known as an easter eggplant) which is only a few inches tall so... no free food for me yet *snaps fingers* and a purple Oxalis (Oxalis regnellii 'Atropurpurea' I think) Literally just one. All alone. Poor little guy... Very strong plant it seems like though, so I'm hoping it'll grow it's own friends sometime during spring.

On top of that, I also enjoy video games, but I probably wont post too much in this blog about that, seeing as how I'm pretty sure people aren't going to a Blog called "Healing Plants" to hear me rant about spawn campers or the new Smash Brothers game ^_^;;

And yeah, a bit random, and a bit out of order, but as an introduction it shall suffice.

Thanks for reading ^_^ My later posts will hopefully be more interesting and informative.


1 comment:

Jeryle said...

Nifty, I'll be sure to come to you Captain Plant-it for all of my herbal healing needs ^_~. Nice post by the way. Honest, witty, a little silly and to the point. Kudos and cookies for you!

- Jeryle